Teachers Orientation Camp@ VKV Golaghat

A Teachers Orientation Camp was organized on 22nd November2015.

A Day-Long Teachers Orientation Camp was organized on 22nd November.Altogether 43 teachers from VKV Golaghat,VKV Doyang and VKV Bokuloni attended the programme.Sus Lukumoni Barthakur,Smt Rupanjali Barthakur(VKV Bokuloni),Smt Meghna Borkakoty,Sri Gurucharan Das(VKV Tinsukia),Sri Vijay Upadhaya,Rupesh Kumar Singh(VKV Doyang) and Sri Dipen Mahanta (JNV Golaghat) guided the participants for effective classroom management.Sri Harsha Bardhan Bora attended the programme as Chief Guest.
