Ayushree Nath of Grade VI & Devanshi Tamuly of Grade VII (U 14 Girls) bagged bronze medals in CBSE zonal level Tennis Tournament held in KIT Global School, Bhubaneswar,Odisha.

CBSE FEZ SWIMMING COMPETITION:VKV Golaghat Team consists of Hridspandan Sarmah, Pranamya Bharadwaj, Arnab Saika & Anomib Kashyap got Bronze medal in 4x100m Medley Relay under 14 category in CBSE FEZ Swimming Competition'2024 held in Tinsukia Assam.
)Adwik Hazarika of class XI got Bronze medals in 100m & 200m breast stroke u 19 category.
2)Pranamya Bharadwaj of class VII got bronze medal in 100m Breast Stroke under 14 category.
Anomib Kashyap of Grade VIII bagged
Silver medals in 50 m and 100 m free style & Bronze medal in 200 m free style u 14 category.
He is selected to participate in CBSE National Swimming Competition in 50m & 100m freestyle to be held in Odisha.
CBSE CLUSTER 1 BADMINTON TOURNAMENT: VKV Golaghat bagged Bronze medals in U-14 Girls & U -17 Girls team events held in Modern English School, Guwahati.
U 14 Girls team:
1. Anandita Goswami
2. Dinchengfa Bailung
3. Gloria Boro
1. Jyotishna Kalita
2. Sweekriti Baishya
CBSE Cluster I East Zone Table Tennis Tournament:
VKV Golaghat bagged Bronze medals in U 14 Girls & U 17 Girls Team Event held at DPS, ONGC , Nazira from 25th-27th September, 2024.
U 14 Girls Team : Iris Arna Rajkhowa( Grade IV )& Nitibrota Hazarika (Grade VI)
U17 Girls Team: Abhismita Baruah, Sunakshi Baruah & Baishnavi Tamuly. ( Grade IX)
Abhismita Baruah of Grade IX also bagged Bronze in U17 Girls Individual Event.