The 72nd Independence Day was celebrated in the VKV, Golaghat school premises with glittering joy. The auspicious occasion was marked by the presence of the students, teachers and noted dignitaries namely Meera Kulkarni (Praanth Sangathak, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari Assam Pranth), Mr. Ravi Savdwekar (Principal VKV Dibrugarh), Mrs. Lukumoni Borthakur ( Principal VKV Doyang),  & Mr. Tanmay Sarkar (Vice Principal VKV Borgolai).

The celebration was commemorated by Mr Achintya Goswami (Principal VKV Golaghat) hoisting the tricolour. This was followed by a speech from Goswami Sir sharing his valuable views regarding the importance of the day. 

After the conclusion of the speech followed a speech by one of the noted dignitary Meera Kulkarni Ji ( Pranth Sangathak, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Assam Pranth). Next was a beautiful rendition of the patriotic song " Sabse Uchi Vijay Pataka" by the students of Class VIII Vivek.

This invoked a sense of pride, enthusiasm and glorified the entire occasion. The celebration was rejoiced by a gathering of 200 people which included the teachers, students and their parents. Sweets were distributed among the students and the celebration came to an end.

The entire VKV Golaghat fraternity is elated to have learnt that our boys got 3rd  position in the Parade Rally held at general field, Golaghat. The school congratulates them for their achievement and adding glory to its colours.


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